Thursday, September 27, 2012

Draft Design Concept

Perspective View
Basic draft concept, my ideas of this design was use of curvilinear to create organic form of geometry, the spheres like objects represent of building.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Week 6 - Comparative Visual analysis

My Nominated Architect in Project 1 is - Morphosis
Building: NYC2012 Olympic Village (2012 Olympic Competition Entry)

A multi layered, three dimensional urban design which to emphasizes the interaction between water, landscape, building, and program. During the Olympics part of the village serve as accommodation and mixed of commercial use.

Architect: Zaha Hadid
Building: Contemporary Arts Museum (2006 Competition Entry)

the museum as a ‘node of cultural exchanges’ as a structure which serves as a seaward landmark for the city of Cagliari and , through a network of public paths, interconnects and shares its public dimension with urban centre it serves.

The pathways containing communication, contemporary and Nuragic exhibitions constantly intercept and bisect other public areas, giving the building a great sense of fluidity and enormous flexibility.

The Concepts and ideas explored in Project 1: Integrates and Transform

The three dimensional urban design demonstrates the concept of integrates, building which merge with the surrounding landscape.

The complex form of organic designs demonstrates concept of transform by use of different size and shape of curvilinear framework, warp around between vertical and horizontal. In a sense of fusing together into one piece

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Week 6 - Independent Task

My Nominated Architect in Project 1 is Morphosis 
Building: NYC2012 Olympic Village

Architect: Zaha Hadid
Building: Cagliari Contemporary Arts Centre